A lot is going on in this space and many of the pieces are still in motion, so if I missed something or you have new developments to note, please chime in on the Thinking XML discussion forum. 该领域的许多方面仍在不断发展之中,许多工作仍然非常活跃,如果我遗漏了什么,或者您有什么新的想法,请参与ThinkingXML讨论论坛。
And of course, there's a lot of things I learned from that experience. For example, I learned that there are worse things that can happen to you on your anniversary than forgetting to buy a gift. So, take note, gentlemen. 当然了,这次经历让我学到了许多,例如,在结婚纪念日上可能会出现比忘买礼物还糟糕的情况,所以男士们记住我的教训。
If he reminds you a lot of some other guy at work, make a mental note of it, dont say it out loud. 如果他让你记起了工作上的其他朋友,心里记一下就好不要大声说出来。
Nobody says "the dog ate my homework" anymore, but we hear a lot of "I left it on the kitchen table." And then Mom will send in a note to back up the story. 孩子们不再说“狗狗吃了我的作业”,但我们常常听到“我把作业拉在了厨房桌子上”这样的借口,而且妈妈们还会写证明的字条来帮着孩子圆谎。
It's been shown that children who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables during childhood are apt to maintain this healthy eating pattern into adulthood, she and her colleagues note. 她和她的同事写道,业已表明,在儿童时期多吃水果和蔬菜的儿童,在进入成年后,也往往保持这一健康的饮食习惯。
That they lack the business concept, which is a lot of researchers have taken note of the Asian problem. 认为他们缺乏经营观念,这是亚洲很多研究者都注意到了的问题。
It meant a lot to me that you ended this episode on the same note. 您在总结问题时也提到孩子,这对我来说有着特别的意义。
The heated melon juice generated a lot of new C9 unsaturated aldehydes and alcohols, which strengthened the melon juice green note. 金皇后瓜汁加热都产生了较多的C9不饱和醛和醇,它们增加了金皇后瓜汁的青鲜气。
Psychology scientists at home and abroad to make the rich pay attention to the theoretical system with a lot of contributions of many valuable research results, to promote the rich note. 国内外的心理学家对注意理论体系的完善做出过很多贡献,得出许多有价值的研究成果,对丰富注意理论有很好的促进作用。
He became erudite and had wide range of friends with his extraordinary experience. As a scholar he had a lot of books, and Cao Mu Zi is the note he written in the prison. 博学多识,交友广泛,身为文人的他有不少著作,其中《草木子》是他在狱中时所写的笔记。